Shann's Poems After Age 30 (Chinese)
Shann's Poems After Age 30
- 故鄉之客 七言絕句 (Sep 16, 1992)
- 憶八二年冬 五言絕句 (Dec 4, 1994)
- 識字 新詩 (Jul 8, 1995)
- 一個 GURU 的戀歌 新詩 (Apr 18, 1997)
- 預兆 新詩 (Apr 19, 1997)
- 生日詩 新詩 (譯) (Aug 8, 1998)
- 九九年感時 七言律詩 (Aug 20, 1999)
- 豐年學弟 悼文 (Nov 18, 2008)
Created: June 4, 1997
Last Revised: Aug 20, 1999
© Copyright 1999 Wei-Chang Shann
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Department of Mathematics, National Central University,