11 數系 Number System
- numeral 數字
- digits 數碼
- number system 數系
- binary system 二進制
- octal 八個的
- hexadecimal 十六的
- positional system 對位記數系統
- closure properties 封閉性
- ternary numeral system 三進制
- place-value notation 位值規則
- the set of positive integers 正整數集合
- the positional system in base ten 以十為底的對位記數系統
- Roman numerals are not positional. 羅馬數字不是對位記數系統。
- Natural numbers are closed under addition and multiplication. 自然數對加法和乘法運算是封閉的。
- Irrational numbers are not closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. 無理數對加減乘除都沒有封閉性。