The Mechanization of the World Picture

Pythagoras to Newton


Dikshoorn, C., tr. (1986). The Mechanization of the World Picture--Pythagoras to Newton. (Translated of the Dutch work of Dijksterhuis, De Mechanisering van het Wereldbeeld. Amsterdam, 1959.) Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Edurd Jan Dijksterhuis (Oct 20, 1892--May 18, 1965) 是一位荷蘭學者, 他在荷蘭也本地的名聲已經算是晚成的,在英文世界更是默默無聞; 他的主要學術工作是編輯惠更斯全集。 我讀的這一本是 1986 年出版的,但其原稿是 1950 年寫成的, 拖到 1959 年在阿姆斯特丹出版,而英文譯本初次由牛津大學出版於 1961 年。

這本書非常硬,它是一部嚴肅的大作; 即使年代已經這麼久了,它的內容還沒普及,讀起來還是很硬。 或許因為作者膽敢說牛頓的《原理》有一部分可謂「國王的新衣」, 導致這本書在英文世界被冷落。

我從圖書館續借了它四次才讀完,而且只敢評估自己懂了一半。 明天就是該要歸還的日子,我也不想再續了,暫時緩緩吧。 先記下來貼標籤的頁碼:

Trivium 前身是 artes,Quadrivium 前身是 disciplinae: arithmetic, geometry...
p.188, line -12
p.267, line 4
p.269, line -19
At last we are approaching what may be called the anni mirabiles, ... It was a well-defined period, for it started in 1543 with Copernicus' work De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium and ended in 1687 with Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica.
p.296, 14.
p.335, 81.
p.337, 84.
Galileo 的(英譯)原文:Philosophy is written in this grand book, the universe, which stands continually open to our gaze. ...
p.381, 172.
p.434, 246.
「誤以相關為因果」的一段優美的例子,而且跨領域。 The possible connexion between Puritanism and the flowering of science in seventeenth-century England ... [is] the methodological error of concluding from the establishment of ... a high correlation that there must exist a causal dependence.
Four great technical inventions to which science in the 17th century owed its revival: the telescope, the microscope, the pendulum clock, and the air pump [by Otto Gericke, later Otto von Guericke].
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Created: Mar 21, 2023
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