1. (10) Assume that the US rate of inflation continues at the 1991 rate of 4.6% a year. If postage stamps go up, on average, at the rate of inflation, when will it cost $1 to mail a letter in the US? [Note: That cost was 29 cents in 1991.] [你不必用計算機, 寫成最簡式即可.]
2. (10) 在下圖中的 A--F 點, 請問哪些點的切線斜率是正的? 哪些是負的? 哪一點的切線斜率最大, 哪一點最小?
3. (20) (1) 寫出 f(x) 在 x=x0 連續的定義. (2) 證明若 f(x) 在 x=x0 連續, 且數列 {xn} 收斂到 x0. 則
4. (20)
5. (20)
6. (20)
MEAN = 71.1, VAR = 13.0,
{98, 90, 88, 88, 87, 85, 85, 85} >= MEAN + VAR,
{23, 48, 55, 55, 55, 55, 57} <= MEAN - VAR.
Created: Nov 18, 1996
Last Revised: Nov 18, 1996
© Copyright 1996, 1997 Wei-Chang Shann