Operator | Action |
+ | x y + = x + y |
- | x y - = x - y |
* | x y * = x * y |
/ | x y / = x divided by y |
^ | x y ^ = x raised to the power of y |
e | x e = exponential raised to the power of x |
l | x l = natural logrithm of x |
q | x q = square root of x |
p | the constant pi |
i | x i = x rounded to an integer |
r | x r = 1 x / = reciprocal of x |
s | x s = sin(x) |
c | x c = cos(x) |
t | x t = tan(x) |
j | cyclicly downs the stack by one element |
k | cyclicly ups the stack by one element |
w | shows the stack from top to bottom |
x | exchanges the top most two elements in the stack |
? | shows a brief help message |
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include "stack.h" #include "getch.h" #define MAXNUM 100 #define NUMBER '\007' int getop(char []); main () { int type, flag_dup = 1; double op2; char s[MAXNUM]; while ((type = getop(s)) != EOF) { switch (type) { case NUMBER: push(atof(s)); break; case '+': push(pop() + pop()); break; case '-': op2 = pop(); push(pop() - op2); break; case '*': push(pop() * pop()); break; case '/': if ((op2 = pop()) != 0) push(pop() / op2); break; case '^': op2 = pop(); push(pow(pop(), op2)); break; case 'e': push(exp(pop())); break; case 'l': push(log(pop())); break; case 'q': push(sqrt(pop())); break; case 'p': push(4 * atan(1.)); break; case 'i': push(floor(pop() + 0.5)); break; case 'r': push(1. / pop()); break; case 's': push(sin(pop())); break; case 'c': push(cos(pop())); break; case 't': push(tan(pop())); break; case 'n': push(-1. * pop()); break; case '\n': if (flag_dup == 0) flag_dup = 1; else printf("%.8g\n", dup()); break; case 'j': flag_dup = 0; down(); break; case 'k': flag_dup = 0; up(); break; case 'w': flag_dup = 0; list(); break; case 'x': flag_dup = 0; swaptop(); break; case '?': flag_dup = 0; printf("\tc: cos(x)\n"); printf("\te: exp(x)\n"); printf("\ti: round x to integer\n"); printf("\tl: ln(x)\n"); printf("\tn: -x\n"); printf("\tp: pi\n"); printf("\tq: sqrt(x)\n"); printf("\tr: 1/x\n"); printf("\ts: sin(x)\n"); printf("\tt: tan(x)\n"); printf("\tw: who, list numbers on stack\n"); printf("\tj: downward rotate the stack\n"); printf("\tk: upward rotate the stack\n"); printf("\tx: swap the top two elements on stack\n"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unknown command %s\n", s); break; } } return 0; }
Created: Nov 26, 1994
Last Revised: Dec 6, 1994
© Copyright 1994 Wei-Chang Shann