

就拿前面 [ 7 ] 所引述的 Academic Duty 那一頁來看。 就在我引述那一段話的前一段,有一句話:
Emerson's 1837 manifesto to Phi Beta Kappa at Harvard, from whose title the journal American Scholar takes its name, urged one such transition---from "the learning of other lands" to an approach much more oriented to the worlds of nature and action.
[p.64 just above what we quoted from for the main theme of this talk]
翻譯本中一字不提。可能是不知道該怎樣翻譯 the learning of other lands 吧。 這關係到 1837 年代的學術」風格以博物學為主。

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Created: Nov 23, 2001
Last Revised: Nov 25, 2001
© Copyright 2001 Wei-Chang Shann 單維彰
