2003 年 4 月 1 日,我到 Amazon 網路書店 在 Books 範圍內搜尋 math education 這兩個字, 獲得 1842 筆書籍資料,我花了五天時間一一瀏覽這 1842 本書籍的基本資料、 業者自己提供的內容簡介和 Amazon 用戶上傳的讀者書評, 擷取了 364 筆書籍資料,而後又仔細閱讀、比對,刪除大致上並不必要的 (例如談美國本土特殊教育問題的書籍), 整理出來 298 筆書籍資料,就是這一份報告的內容。 目前這個版本,只整理出來 98 冊那 1842 本書籍的確龐大,但是其實頗有重複,而且有些書籍明顯是一個系列的教科書, 若再細分年級或等級,就變成了更多本獨立的書籍資料。 我並沒有將同系列內的所有書籍都收入此報告。
那幾天的一個上午, 我請黃子倩到 Amazon 搜尋了數學教育類的暢銷電腦軟體或 CD Titles, 她用 Microsoft Word 整理資料,我不願意在此網站提供需要特定商業軟體的文件, 因此將它轉換成網頁,附於後。
2004 年 5 月,我再度打開這個檔案,仔細再整理一遍。 這次的工作重點是:
- 詳細分類
- 盡量為每一本書找到說明文字,或者自己寫一點中文簡介; 有些書籍在 Amazon 上面沒有說明、也沒有讀者意見, 所以只好訴諸於 Google 搜尋。而 Google 並不令人失望,總是可以提供更多訊息。 謝秀宏幫我找了 65 冊書籍的說明,洪雅齡幫我找了 4 份軟體的說明,
因為這些書籍或軟體都是英文的, 國內的讀者如果對它們有興趣,想必就能讀英文。 因此,這裡節錄的簡介,也就沒有必要翻譯成中文。 但是,為了提高閱讀效率,我設法將所有書籍分類, 每個類別的標題和簡介,就用中文表達了。 而個別書籍的說明文字基本上全是直接剪貼自 Amazon 網站的原文, 若我有補充說明,就用中文書寫。
書籍和軟體都沒有附上 Amazon 的網頁連結, 這是當時整理時候的疏忽。但是,只要那本書或那份軟體還在, 相信讀者進入 Amazon 網站之後,簡單地搜尋一番就能很快找到它。
Math Advantage 2003
by Encore Software (CD-ROM)
- 10 core math learning subjects for grades 6 through 12
- Packed with thousands of lessons, 3-D images, animations, audio, and more
- Improve test scores and grades
- Supplement school study with tutorials and practice problems
- Identify strengths and track progress
Math Advantage 2002
by Encore Software (CD-ROM)
- Interactive tutorials packed with lessons, practice problems, and quizzes
- Self-paced study and progressive levels of complexity
- Reference materials, including notes, libraries, and glossaries
- Audio, video, photos, 3-D images, and animation
- Instructional puzzles and games
Math Advantage Deluxe
by Encore Software (CD-ROM)沒找到這份軟體的具體說明,但是在 Amazon 有幾位讀者寫了評介。 以下摘錄一份。
The topics are well presented, concise, complete. A workbook is included in the package. Exercises (over 3,000 in all) and puzzle games are incorporated in the tutorials and an achievement history allows the user to monitor his progress. The graph lab illustrates math concepts very well and the instant video help feature shows live-action video clips.
Mind Power Math: High School
by The Learning Company (CD-ROM)This set of six CDs offers high school students basic and useful practice in algebra 1, algebra 2, statistics, geometry, trigonometry and calculus. In the Algebra 1 CD, for example, students choose from 12 chapters and pick a sub topic. After a written (and pictorial) demonstration of the concept (e.g. ratio and proportion), students answer 10 questions to show comprehension. Hint and Solution icons lead to useful and straightforward help, and general progress is described after ech section. All things considered, although dry in format and somewhat lacking in depth, this handy set of CDs offers understandable explanations of difficult subjects.
Mind Power Math: Middle School
by Riverdeep (CD-ROM)Based on Riverdeep's online content, this program slowly doles out tutorials on fractions, decimals, geometry, statistics, pre-algebra and algebra. As the content was originally delivered online, the CD version runs through your browser, making it somewhat awkward and clunky. The interactive lessons are informative, however, showing kids how to manipulate the numbers, but these seem to start at a level too high for most struggling math students. When learning to calculate percents, for example, basic elementary concepts are not reviewed. Rather, students are thrown right into tough content like "What percent of 600 is 132?". The lessons are straightforward and relatively easy to understand, and the activities involve lots of word problems and real-life situations. The workouts could offer more time practicing concepts learned (e.g. in rote fashion), although the number of question sequences offered is plentiful. This set might be a nice supplement to middle school curriculum, especially home schoolers, but may be too advanced (and lacking in practice exercises) for students who need a boost.
StudyWorks Middle School Deluxe Math 5.0
by Mathsoft (CD-ROM)
- Interactive lessons, animations, and activities
- Designed for students in grades 6 to 8
- Reinforces the skills necessary to prepare for high school
- Covers fractions, decimals, percents, and more
- Bundled with Middle School Deluxe Science
StudyWorks Math Deluxe 6.0
by MathSoft (CD-ROM)
- Deluxe skills builder for math students of all levels
- Covers 10 core math subjects, including calculus
- Proven 3-step learning approach
- Unlimited access to deluxe Web services and online homework help
- Interactive math games, pop-up hints, plus free bonus pack
StudyWorks Math Success 6.0
by MathSoft (CD-ROM)
- Comprehensive math skills builder for students of all levels
- Study everything from basic math to trigonometry and calculus
- Covers algebra, statistics, business math, and more
- Practice problems, testing, brainteasers, and more
- Online homework help, instant feedback, and built-in graphing calculator
Math Magic
by Cerebellum (CD-ROM)
- Learn basic math with the Standard Deviants
- Covers addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and much more
- Interactive learning methods and video clips
- Written by professional educators
- Quizzes and tests track progress
Educator's Choice Middle School Math Excelerator
by Topics Entertainment (CD-ROM)
- Learn algebra and geometry fundamentals
- 2 CD-ROMs with 24 interactive lessons
- Covers graphing, slopes, angles, postulates, and more
- High-quality graphics, animations, and live-action video
- Simple explanations reinforce essential topics
Educator's Choice Middle & High School Math Excelerator
by Topics Entertainment (4 CD-ROM)
- Helps middle school and high school students with math
- Covers pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry
- Learn at a relaxed pace
- Get better grades and increase understanding
- Easy-to-follow format
Educator's Choice Math and Science Excelerator Grades 3-6
by Topics Entertainment (CD-ROM)
- 4-disc set of premium software titles
- Combines amusement and education in one motivationally interactive package
- More than 130 individual lessons and over 100 games and activities
- Ensures the acquisition and retention of intermediate, real-world meteorology, astronomy, and mathematics
- Activities adjust to a student's rising proficiency level
Standard Deviants Middle School and High School Math Master
by Topics Entertainment (5 CD-ROM)
- An interactive learning adventure
- Covers basic math, pre-algebra, algebra, and geometry
- 5 CD-ROM suite
- Lessons include live-action video and animations
- Relaxed and entertaining approach
Educator's Choice Middle and High School Math
by Topics Entertainment (6 CD-ROM)
- 6-disc set of premium software titles
- Provides real-world skills in seven core mathematics subjects: pre-algebra, algebra I and II, geometry, trigonometry, pre-calculus, and calculus
- Includes hundreds of mathematics problems and animated problem simulations
- Offers 3,000 exam questions and personalized report-card evaluation
- Students can learn at their own pace
- 數學教育政策
- 數學恐懼之心理學
- 鼓勵學習數學的讀物
- 數學教育理論
- 數學辭典或百科全書
- 家長資源
- 教師課外讀物
- 教師準備
- 合科或多元智能教材
- 教師資源--教學活動設計
- 教師或學生資源--數學問題集
- 教師或學生資源--自修練習簿
- 教師或學生資源--應考練習或模擬考題
- 教科書
書名 The State of Science, Math, Engineering, and Technology (SMET) Education in America, parts I-IV 作者 For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., Congressional Sales Office; 313 pages. ASIN: 0160564859 Including the results of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Hearings before the Committee on Science, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session, July 23, September 24, October 8 and 29, 1997
書名 Science and math education reform 作者 For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., Congressional Sales Office; 225 pages. ASIN: 0160408938 Hearing before the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Second Congress, second session, July 7, 1992 (Cleveland, Ohio)
書名 In the national interest: the federal government in the reform of K-12 math and science education 作者 The Carnegie Commission; 76 pages. ASIN: 1881054144 A report of the Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government.
書名 The National Science Foundation's Statewide Systemic Initiatives: Are SSI's the best way to improve K-12 math and science education? 作者 For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., Congressional Sales Office; 396 pages. ASIN: 0160576040 Hearing before the Committee on Science, Subcommittee on Basic Research, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifth Congress, second session, July 23, 1998
書名 Partnerships in Math Education: The Power of University-School Collaboration 作者 by Chris Ohana (Paperback) Issues as the partnership tried to improve the mathematics education of elementary students as well as their teachers. The differences in values within a partnership can erode the goals. The university and the school function differently and these differences extend beyond bureaucratic issues.
書名 Learning for the Future: Improving Math and Science Education to Develop the Technical Labor Force 作者 (Hardcover - March 2003) Committee for Economic Development A Statement on National Policy
書名 Math and Science Education: Comprehensive Information About Federally Funded Materials Not Available 作者 by Harriet Ganson, Arthur T., Jr Merriam (Paperback - December 2000) report to congressional requesters (SuDoc GA 1.13:HEHS-00-110), by U.S. General Accounting Office.
書名 Statement on Competencies in Math Expected of Entering Freshmen 作者 California Dept of Education, 1989. ISBN: 0801108365 加州教育廳之大學系統 The California State University 公告之『大學新生應有之數學能力』文件。 其實網路上可以找到一份草案,在 http://www.calstate.edu/AcadSen/Records/Reports/math-comp/index.shtml 我看不出來這份網路文件的日期,不過,2000 年 11 月 2 日的會議記錄, 提到這份文件的修訂計畫。 除了數學能力的『期盼』之外,加州大學系統也出版了一份文件, 明列其他關於讀寫與溝通的大學新生應有能力: Academic Literacy: A Statement of Competencies Expected of Students Entering California's Public Colleges and Universities 2003 年 5 月,加州州北大學系統發刊一份 News Letter,可能是給家長和中小學教師吧, 標題是 Preparing Students to Succeed in College, 值得想要將孩子們送進大學的家長、教師參考。 那是一份 PDF 文件: http://www.scoe.net/pdc/professional/2003/2003_05_pd.pdf
書名 Employer-Sponsored Teacher Internships in Science and Math: A Part of Education Reform Strategy 作者 by Gerard G. Gold, National Institute for Work & Learning; 1986. ASIN: 0865100519 這本書有點兒舊了,而且似乎已經絕版,但是應該還值得我們參考。 [回目錄]
這些書籍從心理輔導的層面,幫助學生、家長和一般成人克服所謂的「數學焦慮症」。 或者是探討數學恐懼的心理學或社會學理論。
書名 Math Attack: How to Reduce Math Anxiety In The Classroom, At Work and In Everyday Personal Use 作者 by Marilyn Curtain Phillips, Marilyn Curtain-Phillips (Paperback) Curtain-Phillips also has an informative website http://www.mathattack.7p.com which also lists other reviews.
書名 Conquering Math Anxiety: A Self-Help Workbook 作者 by Cynthia A. Arem (Paperback - January 1993) It includes strategies for recognizing the sources of math anxiety, managing and reducing anxiety, reducing internal psychological stumbling blocks, improving attitude toward mathematics, building confidence, and improving math study and test-taking skills.
書名 Defeating Math Anxiety 作者 by Anita Narvarte Kitchens (Paperback - November 1994) 這本書似乎賣得不好。作者是美國北卡 Appalachian State Univ 之 Dept of Mathematical Sciences 的教師,屬於數學教育學程。
書名 Discarded Minds: How Gender, Race and Class Biases Prevent Young Women from Obtaining an Adequate Math and Science Education 作者 by Lisa Syron, 1987 This report presents data on the "disastrously" low math and science course participation in New York City's public high schools. It suggests that the basic structure of the city's high school programs contributes to racial, ethnic, class and gender disparities in math and science course participation. [回出錄]
前面那些書籍幫助學生克服恐懼數學的心理, 這些書籍以正面的誘因,告訴學生為何要學數學, 給予精神或實質上的鼓勵。
書名 Math Matters: The Links Between High School Curriculum, College Graduation, and Earnings 作者 by Heather Rose, Julian R. Betts (Paperback - July 2001) 由 Public Policy Institute of California 發行,在 Amazon 銷售排行還不錯 (56 萬左右)。This study examines the relationship between taking advanced math courses in high school and labor force earnings 10 years after graduation. The authors hypothesize that students who take higher-level math courses are likely to earn more in the labor market for two reasons. First, a richer high school curriculum increases a student's ability to gain admission to, and graduate from, college. Second, more-advanced courses increase a person's cognitive ability and all-around productivity.
書名 The Book for Math Empowerment 作者 by Sandra L. Manigault (Paperback) A decidedly therapeutic and spiritual approach to helping individuals recognize, and then eliminate, their learned dislike of mathematics.
書名 It's Not about Math, It's about Life 作者 by Kari Simmons Kling, Kari Simmons Kling (Paperback - January 1997) A highlight of the book is a listing of careers that relate to math. The question of "What will I need this for?" will finally be answered.
書名 "So What?": Teaching Children What Matters in Math 作者 by Tim Brandy (Author) (Paperback), 1999 Tim Brandy invites teachers to step back and envision a more authentic approach to mathematics instructionone that is relevant to children's worlds and reflective of their natural inclinations.
娘名 Math for Girls and Other Problem Solvers 作者 by Twila Slesnick, et al (Paperback - December 1981) 特別寫給小女生用的。 How can we encourage young girls to enjoy math and develop good math skills? Can teachers and parents dispel the myth that some students are not good in mathematics? This book changes the attitude that math is scary, mystifying, or boring. Hands-on activities like mystery stories, origami, hot air balloon rides, geoblocks, career skits, horseshoe games, and spatial creatures challenge students and engage their curiosity and creative thinking about math. This book is designed as an eight-day course with activities organized around five problem-solving strands: logic strategies, breaking set, creative thinking and observation, spatial visualization, and careers. Elementary and secondary levels in mathematics and math-related careers. [回目錄]
教育理論中,專門針對數學領域的理論,或者數學教材教法的研究, 或者關於女性、少數民族、弱勢團體的特殊數學教育研究。 我把「比較」數學教育的書籍也歸于這一類。
書名 Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics: Teachers' Understanding of Fundamental Mathematics in China and the United States 作者 by Liping Ma, 1999, ISBN: 0805829091 來自於作者的比較教育論文, 比較了美國和中國大陸的數學教師本身對數學內容的了解程度。
書名 Strength in Numbers: Learning Maths in Japan and England 作者 by Julia Whitburn (Hardcover - January 2000) 英國與日本的比較。 Illustrated with some B&W photographs. A large scale study of why Japanese school children perform at Mathematics better than English school children.
書名 How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School: Expanded Edition 作者 by John Bransford (Editor) National Academy Press (2000). ISBN: 0309070368 Both a simple summary of some recent research in the cognitive sciences and an argument for how teaching should be done. About one third of the text is taking up with issues in mathematics and science teaching.
書名 Math Worlds: Philosophical and Social Studies of Mathematics and Mathematics Education 作者 by Sal Restivo, et al (Paperback - April 1993) SUNY Series in Science, Technology, and Society. Chapters on the philosophy of mathematics illustrate the growing influence of a pragmatic view in a field traditionally dominated by Platonic perspectives. In a section on mathematics, politics, and pedagogy, the emphasis is on politics and values in mathematics education.
書名 A Practical Approach to Using Learning Styles in Math Instruction 作者 by Ruby Bostick Midkiff, Rebecca Davis Thomasson (Paperback - October 1996) 所謂 learning-styles-based teaching 就是 challenges the traditional instructional process of lecture/discussion in college teaching and describe the theory, practice, and research that support a wider variety of approaches to better accommodate the learning-style preferences of each student.
書名 How Students Learn: History, Math & Science in the Classroom 作者 by National Research Council (Editor), National Academy Press (July 2004). ISBN: 0309074339 看來是一本論文集。 How do you get a fourth-grader excited about history? How do you even begin to persuade high school students that mathematical functions are relevant to their everyday lives? In this volume, practical questions that confront every classroom teacher are addressed using the latest exciting research on cognition, teaching, and learning. [This book] builds on the discoveries detailed in last year's bestselling How People Learn. Now, these findings are presented in a way that teachers can use immediately, to revitalize their work in the classroom for even greater effectiveness.
Organized for utility, the book explores how the principles of learning can be applied in teaching history, science, and math topics at three levels: elementary, middle, and high school. Leading educators explain in detail how they developed successful curricula and teaching approaches, presenting strategies that serve as models for curriculum development and classroom instruction. Their recounting of personal teaching experiences lends strength and warmth to this volume.
The book explores the importance of balancing students' knowledge of historical fact against their understanding of concepts, such as change and cause, and their skills in assessing historical accounts. It discusses how to build straightforward science experiments into true understanding of scientific principles. And it shows how to overcome the difficulties in teaching math to generate real insight and reasoning in math students. It also features illustrated suggestions for classroom activities.
書名 Experts Views on Elementary Math Curriculum 作者 by Prawat, et al, Michigan State Univ (December 1991) ISBN: 9992232994 看來好像出版於美國 Math War 剛開打的時候。 現在好像絕版了。
書名 Cognitive Assessment of Language and Math Outcomes 作者 by Sue M. Legg (Author), James Algina (Author) (Hardcover - December 1990) 認知性的評量的理論探討。從這本書的目錄可窺一二。 其中最後一章是數學教育者關心的吧。
- Critical Thinking Assessment: Status, Issues, Needs
- Measuring Skills in Problem Solving
- Steps Toward a More Naturalistic Approach to the Assessment of the Reading Process
- The Sentence Verification Technique: A New Direction in the Assessment of Reading Comprehension
- Towards a Transactive Theory of the Reading Process and Research in Evaluation
- Asessing Knowledge Structures in Mathematics: A Cognitive Science Perspective
書名 On Evaluating Curricular Effectiveness: Judging the Quality of K-12 Mathematics Evaluations 作者 The National Academies Press, 2004, 350 頁 National Academies Press 是美國國家科學院 The National Academies 出版部, 因為其主旨是服務,所以號稱有 3,000 部出版品可以「線上閱讀」。 包括這一本在內,網址在 http://www.nap.edu/books/0309092426/html 大致看來,所謂線上閱讀的版本是書籍掃描之圖檔, NAP 也提供未經校對的 OCR 文字檔。 這本書的來歷,是 National Academies 裡面的 National Research Council (NRC) 底下一個部門 (想像它是國科會之下的一個處好了) Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education (行為與社會科學和教育部門) 成立的 Center for Education (CFE, 教育研究中心) 麾下之數學教育理事會 (Mathematical Sciences Education Board, MSEB) 組成了一個委員會 Committee for a Review of the Evaluation Data on the Effectiveness of NSF-Supported and Commercially Generated Mathematics Curriculum Materials, 從名稱看來,是要評論或再審受國科會資助或者由企業發展的數學教材之評鑑資料。 這本書是上述委員會的報告。
Center for Education (CFE) 的宗旨是 The Center for Education of the National Academies was formed in 1999 as the locus for education activities in the National Academies. As a unit of the Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, the Center's mission is to promote evidence-based policy analysis that is both responsive and anticipatory: responsive to government's and other stakeholders' program and research interests; and anticipatory of long-term challenges, opportunities, and needs that affect the future of education research and policy priorities. 她的首頁在 http://www7.nationalacademies.org/cfe, 她自稱其功能 is ideally situated to initiate programs that can make a difference in education. By engaging the unique strength of the National Academies to bring together national, state, and local leaders, the Center is poised to address critical national issues in education research, policy, and practice.
而數學教育理事會 (MSEB) 是 CFE 麾下次級組織, 首頁在 http://www7.nationalacademies.org/mseb, 其自陳目前的任務是 to provide national leadership and guidance for policies, programs, and practices supporting the improvement of mathematics education at all levels and for all members of our society. We are actively pursuing several initiatives that focus on the learning, instruction, and assessment of mathematics; equity in mathematics; attracting and retaining students in mathematics majors and in mathematically intensive careers; capacity building and professionalization of mathematics education; evidence of effectiveness in mathematics education; and the public perception of mathematics, mathematics learning, and mathematics teaching. 她的建議、研究發現,多以報告形式出版,許多報告還提供電子版本。 以下網址列出目前 MSEB 所有的出版品,每一冊都附簡介: http://www7.nationalacademies.org/mseb/MSEB_Publications_List.html
書名 What's Happening in Math Class? Vol. 1: Envisioning New Practices Through Teacher Narratives 作者 by Deborah Schifter (Editor) 1996. Teachers College Press 出版的 School Reform 系列叢書之一。 13 篇由教師撰寫的敘述, 敘述數學教師在「新教學法」之下被期待擔任的各種角色。 These teacher narratives explore some of the challenges posed by the new mathematics pedagogy for the multiple identities teachers are being asked to enact professionally: as mathematical thinkers, acquiring the needed understandings of mathematics content and modes of thought; as managers of classroom process, redefining and resituating responsibilities for student learning; as monitors of student progress and much more.
書名 What's Happening in Math Class? Vol. 2: Reconstructing Professional Identities 作者 by Deborah Schifter (Editor) Teachers College Pr; 1996 Teachers College Press 出版的 School Reform 系列叢書之一。 9 篇由 K--6 年級教師撰寫的敘述 (narratives), 敘述數學教師在「新教學法」之下被期待擔任的各種角色。 這兩冊 (一套) 書,可能是站在建構論的基礎上所作的敘述。 有一份 PDF 文件,是 1997 年寫的書評: zdm976r3.pdf
書名 The Great Curriculum Debate: How Should We Teach Reading and Math? 作者 by Tom Loveless (Editor) (Paperback - January 2002) This book includes contributions from distinguished scholars from both sides of the debate, as well as influential nonpartisans. The proponent of "whole language" and "phonics" present their opposing views on reading. Advocates and opponents of "NCTM math reform"— the agenda of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)—discuss their differing opinions about math. Although the authors disagree on many of the most important aspects of learning, they agree on one point: the school curriculum matters. Decisions made now about the content of reading and mathematics will have long term consequences, not only for students and schools, but for society as a whole.
書名 How Social and Emotional Development Add Up: Getting Results in Math and Science Education (The Series on Social Emotional Learning) 作者 by Norris M. Haynes (Editor), et al (Paperback - February 2003) This landmark volume is essential reading for math and science teachers who are eager to find creative and stimulating ways to engage students' interest and to boost their academic performance. A stellar group of contributors, including both psychologists and teachers, outlines the principles of social emotional learning (SEL) that educators can follow to help all students to achieve in the math and science classroom. 好像比較針對美國的黑人或少數民族學童之數學與科學學習問題。 但是或許也值得我們參考。
書名 Lessons for the Future: Minorities in Math, Science, and Engineering at Community Colleges 作者 by Enid B. Jones (Editor) (Paperback - March 1993) Community College Press (Duplicate of AMAJC) 這本書討論美國的少數民族之數學教育問題。 並不直接與台灣的情況有關。本想刪除這筆資料。 但是想想可能可以借助來討論台灣原住民或弱勢團體的類似問題, 所以留下了這本書的資料。
書名 Options for Girls: A Door to the Future: An Anthology on Science and Math Education 作者 by Meg Wilson (Editor), et al (Paperback - February 1992) 這看起來是一本專門討論女童之數學與科學教育的論文集。
書名 Math Education at Its Best: The Potsdam Model 作者 by Dilip K. Datta, Dilipa Kumara Datta (Paperback) 給大學老師看的。 Detailed description and analysis of one of the most successful undergraduate Math Program in the United States. [回目錄]
書名 Math on Call 作者 by Great Source Education Group, Andrew Kaplan (Paperback - December 1997) This has to be one of the best mathematical reference books published today. It covers a wide range of topics from number theory, algebra, geometry, fractions, probability, statistics, ratios, etc. in a simple, highly illustrated, and easily referenced index to almost any math problem encountered from elementary to high school.
書名 Math at Hand: A Mathematics Handbook 作者 by Great Source Education Group Staff (Paperback - March 1999) A very valuable and useful tool for me to reference on countless occasions this past school year. The book has great illustrations, tables and an almanac.
書名 Math Dictionary With Solutions : A Math Review 作者 by Chris Kornegay (Author) (Paperback - April 1999) Considers topics ranging from elementary mathematics through beginning calculus, each article written at a level suitable to the difficulty of the particular topic. a very thorough and comprehensive source book for mathematical ideas, terminology, definitions, and examples.
書名 Math Yellow Pages: For Students and Teachers (Ip (Nashville, Tenn.), 89-0.) 作者 by Marjorie Frank, Kids' Stuff People (Paperback - January 2002) All the skills that kids in grades 1 to 6 need and has definitions of a huge number of math vocabulary [回目錄]
專門寫給家長的數學輔助教材。包括可以在家與兒童一起動手做、或玩遊戲的數學題目, 以及特別針對家長寫的中小學數學內容闡述, 相當於幫家長「複習」基礎數學,使家長可以理解以後幫助自己的孩子。 我把幫助成人 (未必是家長) 補強基礎數學的書籍,也歸于這一類。
書名 Parent Guide with Review, Math 1, Algebra 1, 2nd. ed. 作者 by Tom Sallee, et al, CPM Educational Program, (Paperback - July 2000) 這其實是美國加州 CPM (College Preparatory Mathematics 為大學準備的數學課程) 計畫所設計的 四學年數學教科叢書的一環,這四年的教程可以在 7--12 年級實施。 這套教科叢書包括學生用的課本 (還同時出版英文與西班牙文版)、 老師用的教師手冊、以及家長手冊。 這裡引述的是家長手冊。所以並不只這一本,讀者可以深入搜尋。 CPM 的首頁在 http://www.cpm.org。 此計畫的主要研究人員都來自加州,執行長 Mr. Hoey 在沙加緬度高中執教 30 年, 它出版的教科書由任教於加州大學系統內的數學家 (更細節地說,是來自於 UC Davis 和 CSU Sacramento) 和有多年教學經驗的中學教師 (共 90 多人) 合作寫作。 一篇針對 CPM 計畫與這套教科書的評論文章,放在 http://www.enc.org 之內。 以下是四學年課程之概述: 此外,CPM 也出版了 FFA1 和 FFA2 (Foundations for Algebra, Year 1 and Year 2) 給 6, 7 年級學生使用。
- Mathematics 1 focuses on topics such as writing, solving, and graphing equations as well as symbol manipulation. (類似傳統的 Algebra I 課程)
- Mathematics 2 focuses on geometric properties, spatial visualization, and conjecture and explanation. (類似傳統的 Geometry 課程)
- Mathematics 3 focuses on representation and modeling, intersections and systems, algorithms, and reasoning and communication. (類似傳統的 Algebra II 課程)
- Mathematics 4 focuses on concepts of calculus, analysis of models, trigonometry, and advanced functions. (類似傳統的 Mathematical Analysis/Pre-Calculus 課程)
但是,CPM 教科叢書中,只有家長手冊公開販售。 想要使用 CPM 教材的老師,還必須經過專門課程的教育,必須拿到執照, 才能使用這套教材。
The Parent Guide with Review contains explanations of the main ideas of each chapter in the student textbook, including examples and additional solved problems. There are also suggestions to improve student study skills. Each section has dozens of additional problems for extra practice and review with the ideas in each chapter. Answers are provided at the end of the guide. The guide concludes with an outline of the core conceptual threads in the course, showing how the subtopics of each thread are woven through the textbook.
書名 Count on Math: Activities for Small Hands and Lively Minds 作者 by Pamela Schiller, et al (Paperback - September 1997) Parents of kids ages 3-7 will relish a book packed with math-teaching activities for kids.
書名 The All-New Kids' Stuff Book of Creative Math Experiences for the Young Child 作者 by Imogene Forte, Joy MacKenzie, Incentive Pubns; (June 2001) This book is packed with basic lessons for teaching math and pre reading skills. Although the lessons seam very basic, they are geared in a way that can be expanded on into more lessons, helping your child to "think outside the box".
書名 Math Coach: A Parent's Guide to Helping Children Succeed in Math 作者 by Wayne A. Wickelgren, Ingrid Wickelgren (Paperback - July 2001) Wayne A. Wickelgren, Ph.D., is a former MIT cognitive psychologist specializing in learning. A father of five.
書名 Help Your Child With Maths (Primary Initiatives in Mathematics Education) 作者 by Angela Walsh (Editor), et al (Paperback - February 1993) Activities at home, outside and in the car.
書名 Letters to Parents in Math: 30 Ready to Use Letter in English and Spanish 作者 by Lisa Kricher, Lisa C. Kircher (Paperback - March 1999) Reinforce what students learn in class using 30 reproducible letters in English and Spanish that provide families positive opportunities and un-to-do projects for promoting and practicing math at home! Grades K-3.
書名 How to Help Your Child Excel in Math: An A to Z Survival Guide 作者 by Brita Immergut (Paperback - May 2001) An alphabetical dictionary and handbook that gives parents of elementary, middle school, and high school students what they need to know to help their children understand the math they're learning.
書名 Parental Involvement and Peer Tutoring in Mathematics and Science: Developing Paired Maths into Paired Science 作者 by Keith Topping, Judi Bamford (Paperback - April 1998) Provides background to paired learning methods in math and science for children ages 4-14. Focus is on long-standing work in math, with some discussion of the implications for extension into science. Offers detailed guidance on materials, organization, and evaluation, and gives information on related international developments and research findings.
書名 Home Maths Ages 9-10 Trade Edition 作者 by Anita Straker (Author) (Paperback - November 1998) Parents can work with their children to help them achieve their full mathematical potential.
書名 Teach Your Child Math: Making Math Fun for the Both of You 作者 by Arthur, Phd Benjamin, Michael Brant, Phd Shermer (Paperback) By transforming math "problems" into games, this easy-to-follow book gives parents a fun way to help their children learn math.
書名 Math Power: How to Help Your Child Love Math, Even If You Don't 作者 by Patricia Clark Kenschaft The second half is uniquely valuable, containing specific advice for how parents can evaluate the math education at their school and how to approach teachers and administrators to suggest improvements.
書名 How Well Does Your Child Do Math? A Step-By-Step Assessment of Your Child's Math Skills and Techniques to Develop Them 作者 by Ann Cook, Holly Forsyth (Illustrator) 這是 How Well Does Your Child Do in School 叢書之一部, 看來是告訴家長如何自己評量自己的孩子。
書名 Understanding Maths: A Practical Survival Guide to Basic Maths for Students in Further & Higher Education 作者 by Graham Lawlor (Paperback - September 2002) 這是專門寫給離開學校的成人,讀來自我補救基礎數學能力用的。 也許不直接算是家長資源,但是可以幫助家長在教孩子之前、自己先學會。 因為成人如果要補救自己的基礎數學,也許應該用適合成人的教材。 Do you find it hard to cope with fractions, percentages, averages, decimals, angles, area, volume, or other number and data-related work? Then this is definitely the book for you. Written by a highly experienced, sympathetic and successful maths teacher and tutor, this Studymate will help you master all these important skills. It explains in easy, achievable steps everything you need for successful number and data handling and helps you to make up for lost ground, since you left school.
書名 How to Remember Multiplication and Division Facts: A Workbook for Adults 作者 by Emma E. Gunterman (Paperback - June 1998) 這是一本教導成人的書。主題是乘法和除法計算。 可以讓成人用來自修,也可以讓家長擔任家教、用來教導學童。 This book is written for a tutor and student to use together to understand and remember the multiplication and division facts. The approach is very straightforward and thorough, and covers the multiplication and division facts as well as the kinds of questions asked on the GED test. Ms. Gunterman calls upon a lifetime of experience teaching and tutoring in developing this book.
書名 Whole Numbers 作者 by Karen Lassiter, et al Steck-Vaughn Company; 這是 Math Matters for Adults 系列叢書之一。 看來是寫給成人、或是到了高中階段才想要補強基礎數學的人。 This book contains features, which will make it easier for the student to work with measurement, geometry, and algebra and apply them to their daily life.
書名 Klutz Kwiz 2nd Grade Math: Deck & Gizmo 作者 by Klutz (Editor) 一種方盤形狀的玩具,需電池,會叫會鬧 (有音量調節紐)。 看來不是課堂上用的,而是在家玩的。目前看到有 K--4 年級程度的玩具。 A deck of fun math questions for second graders, along with an electronic gizmo that knows all the answers. Pick a multiple-choice question from the deck and enter your answer on Klutz Kwiz's keypad. If you're right, you get a green light and a happy beep. If you're wrong, a red light and a sad boop. Every Klutz Kwiz question deck is packed with full color pictures, friendly and funny questions, and solid educational value. Batteries included and -- to make parents happy -- there's a volume control button.
書名 Science, Math and Nutrition for Toddlers: Setting the Stage for Serendipity 作者 by Rita Schrank (Paperback - October 1998) 這也許是一本給幼兒家長讀的書,如果您相信三歲的啟蒙教育的話。
書名 Mathematics in Nursery Education 作者 Ann Montague-Smith, David Fulton Publishers, 186pp, 2002, ISBN: 1853468665 幼兒時期的數學教育,大概是由家長來執行吧。 這本書的作者似乎是英國兒童數學教育的暢銷作者。 Covering the mathematics needed to teach the Early Learning Goals, this text has been updated to include new research findings as well as new topics, for example, using number lines with young children. The topics of counting, numbers (including early addition and subtraction), pattern, measures and shape and space are covered in detail. Each chapter contains suggestions for key questions to ask in order to encourage children to discuss their mathematics and to demonstrate what they know and understand. There are sections on developing problem-solving skills, working with parents and other adults in the nursery setting, as well as detailed charts giving ideas for activities.
數學教師為了讓課程更有深度與廣度的彈性、或者可能更有趣, 應該隨時豐富自己的數學知識,因此要廣泛閱讀各種數學普級文章或專業論文。 而這裡選錄的書籍,是特別安排了教學因素在內的普級數學讀物, 有些書籍還是專門寫給數學教師讀的。
書名 Vision in Elementary Mathematics 作者 by W. W. Sawyer, Dover Pubns; (January 27, 2003). ISBN: 048642555X 根據 1964 年原版重印的經典名著。 Intended for teachers and parents, this book suggests visual techniques to help students understand the reasoning behind arithmetics, algebra, and geometry. The focus in this book--as the title "Vision" suggests--is on helping both students and teachers have a stronger intuitive grasp of basic concepts of mathematics that many teachers tend to gloss over.
書名 Math Matters: Understanding the Math You Teach, Grades K-6 作者 by Suzanne H. Chapin, Art Johnson (Paperback - September 2000) Although elementary math teachers can often (but not always) find the right answers for math problems, they overwhelmingly are ignorant as to WHY they follow steps spelled out in the procedure they learned so long ago. A teacher who does not know why cannot teach why. This makes for students floating in a permanent math fog. This book tries to fill the gap by laying out math basics--the mathematical principles behind the steps.
書名 Math for Elementary Teachers: A Conceptual Approach 作者 by Albert B. Bennett, Leonard T. Nelson (Hardcover) It is a good place to start thinking about ways to teach and learn mathematics, but not a great collection of information on the whole.
書名 Consumer Math 作者 by Roswell E. Fairbank (Hardcover - January 1999) Mathematics necessary for making wise consumer decisions. Topics include income, budgeting, purchasing, banking, credit, investments, taxation, transportation and travel, housing, insurance, and the operation of a small business. Emphasis is placed on the mathematics involved in various careers. They study probability and statistics to illustrate business applications. Much of the material is presented in the context of problem-solving situations, and the use of technology is integrated. Materials from daily newspapers, consumer magazines, and Web sites keep the content relevant and current.
書名 A Handbook of Mathematical Discourse 作者 by Charles Wells, Infinity Publishing, 300 pages. 配合網站 http://www.cwru.edu/artsci/math/wells/pub/abouthbk.html 主要命題:數學是一種外國語。 The Handbook of Mathematical Discourse is a compilation of mathematical usage with a focus on the words and phrases that cause problems for students at the postcalculus level, when they are beginning to study abstract mathematics. It also contains words describing behaviors and attitudes that students and instructors might have. The focus is on American usage. 也許比較適合中等教育以後的教師,拿來當作普級數學讀物, 並且融合英語和數學的教育。這本書的作者推薦 The Mathematical Atlas (數學地圖) 當作 The Gateway to Modern Mathematics 入口網站。內容包括了大部分大學部數學系的課程內容。 數學教師可以參考當作知識庫。
書名 Mathematical Mystery Tour: Higher-Thinking Math Tasks 作者 by Mark H. Wahl (Paperback - November 1989) This classic motivator of math thinking is now updated with a year 2000 insert. You'll get more Fibonacci and golden ratio activities related to the stock market, fractals, algebra and more! You'll also find helpful web sites related to the book's content! Engage the naturalist intelligence with its fascinating pattern activities and tap several of the other intelligences as well. Let this graphically alive mystery tour integrate math into art, science, philosophy, history, social studies, and language arts. The use of the calculator, geometric construction, metric measurement, problem solving, formulating results, and making inferences is woven throughout the book. Teacher help pages provide answers and useful insights to the material. The additional Mystery Tour Guide newspaper integrates with each unit, adding questions, activities, puzzles, and tidbits of fascinating scientific and historical information that build a real life mystery that each student is encouraged to plumb. You'll receive a sample Tour Guide newspaper with the purchase of each book. Order additional newspapers in sets of 10. Students should have their own newspapers, or if funds are limited, 3 or 4 students may share.
書名 Weather Math 作者 by Kieran Walsh, The Rourke Book Company, 2004. ISBN: 1589523849 關於氣象的數學,Math and My World 系列之一。
書名 Innovation in Maths Education by Modelling and Applications (Ellis Horwood Series in Mathematics and Its Applications) 作者 by Jan De Lange, et al, Ellis Horwood Ltd 1993. ASIN: 0130173517 Ellis Horwood 出版的 Series in Mathematics and Its Applications, 也許更合適作為大學用書。
書名 Creative Math Experiences 作者 Incentive Publications; (December 1995) This is an outstanding introduction for young children to fundamental math concepts. A child's environment is saturated with opportunities to use numbers. In this book, children learn many basic math applications such as telling time, how to count money, and how measuring spoons use numbers so we can make things like cinnamon toast!
書名 Math Intersections: A Look at Key Mathematical Concepts 作者 by David J. Glatzer, Joyce Glatzer (Contributor) (Paperback - February 1997) 用來配合高中的代數課程之課外讀物。 兩位作者都是美國 New Jersey 的中學數學教師或學區顧問。 [回目錄]
書名 Designing Effective Mathematics Instruction: A Direct Instruction Math (3rd Edition) 作者 by Marcy Stein, et al (Paperback) The first three chapters cover the philosophy and techniques of direct instruction, how these techniques can be integrated into mathematics programs, and a review of relevant research. Each of the remaining 12 chapters is devoted to a specific mathematical skill area.
書名 Math: Facing an American Phobia 作者 by Marilyn Burns (Paperback - February 1998) An award-winning educator and author of many math storybooks for children grades two to eight, Burns explains her teaching approach by example, presenting her ideas as classroom scenarios and conversations.
書名 Leading the Way: Principals and Superintendents Look at Math Instruction 作者 by Marilyn Burns (Editor) (Paperback - August 1999) 適合 2 到 8 年級數學教師。
書名 How to Teach Math Facts 作者 by Susan R. Greenwald (Paperback) It has been used successfully with students learning math facts for the first time as well as those students who need remedial work or have special needs.
書名 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: A Contemporary Approach, 6th ed 作者 by Musser et al, 1008 pages, 2002 All the essential mathematics teachers need for teaching at the elementary and middle school levels! This best seller features rich problem-solving strategies, relevant topics, and extensive opportunities for hands-on experience. The coverage in the book moves from the concrete to the pictorial to the abstract, reflecting the way math is generally taught in elementary classrooms.
書名 So You Have to Teach Math? Sound Advice for K-6 Teachers 作者 by Marilyn Burns, Robyn Silbey (Paperback - November 2000) 這本書的「結實的建議」是站在 CGI math 的立場發言的。 CGI (Cognitively Guided Instruction) 就是認知導向教學法的意思, "也許" 就是台灣簡稱為「建構數學」的教學法吧。 這是源自於美國 Univ of Wisconsin, Madison 之 WCER (Wisconsin Center of Education Research) 的概念與教學法。
書名 The Teacher's Guide to Flexible Interviewing in the Classroom: Learning What Children Know About Math 作者 by Herbert P. Ginsburg, et al (Paperback) Helps teachers understand and use a form of assessment aimed at uncovering children's thinking about mathematics. Discusses how teachers can prepare children for work with interviewing, how to conduct interviews with individuals and groups, and how to teach children to interview each other. Sample classroom assignment sheets show actual student work followed by the student's own assessment of the strategy used to solve the problems. A list of specific questions that teachers may use as the basis for interviews is presented, organized by topics in the mathematics curriculum for grades K--five.
書名 Discovering the Magic of Math 作者 by Walt Belsky, et al (Mass Market Paperback) An upper elementary and junior high teaching manual.
書名 FTCE Clast Math: Teacher's Certification Exam 作者 by Nabil A. Husni (Paperback - August 1998) 看來是美國佛羅里達州教師執照的數學科準備材料。 FTCE 是 Florida Teacher Certification Exam 的意思, 有分一般知識 General Knowledge 考試,還有學科考試 Subject Tests。
書名 Teaching the National Numeracy Strategy at Key Stage 3: A Practical Guide 作者 by Pat Perks, Stephanie Prestage, David Fulton Pub; (June 2001). ISBN: 1853467839 這是寫給英國教師的,幫助他們了解國家新綱要的新標準、新解讀和新的教學目標。 National Numeracy Strategy (NNS) for Key Stage 3 will be introduced into Secondary Schools in September 2001. The NNS document: Framework for Teaching Mathematics in Years 7 to 9, is based on the National Curriculum, but offers a very different interpretation of some of the expected learning outcomes for year 7 to 9. This practical book, interprets and explains the document for busy practitioners, spells out the expectations of the framework and offers guidance on how to fulfil these, describes and explains the types of teaching methods for maximising students' learning, and includes many practical ideas for classroom activities within the framework of the NNS. 所謂 numeracy 是英式英語中相對於 literacy 的概念, 也就是數理方面的知識和能力。
http://www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/numeracy 看來就像前瞻委員會開設的 feedback 網站,有各種關於 NNS 的文獻和官方公告,還有蒐集意見的地方,也散佈標準文件、軟體和宣傳品。
教育部 Dept of Education and Skills 設立 專門給家長看的資料 http://www.parentcentre.gov.uk Key Stage 1 是 1--2 年級或者是 7 歲,結束時有 National test for eng and math. Key Stage 2 是 3--6 年級,在 11 歲到期, 結束時也有 National Test for eng, math and science 包括 mental arithmetics. Key Stage 3 是 7--9 年級或 14 歲,結束測驗同上 (5 月中旬) National Tests and Tasks, aka SATs。 英國的強迫教育年限在 Key Stage 4 結束,也就是 10--11 年級。 有些學生參加 GCSE 測驗 (General Certificate of Secondary Education) 評分 A--G,有些參加 GNVQ 或者其他國家級證照評量。 前三個 Stages 考試分成 Level 1--8 等級,三個 Stages 都放在這個 層級中評定,所以有早晚達成的彈性。。 在一篇建議家長幫助學童學習數學的文章裡,明白指出鼓勵 5--8 歲 學童做二位數左右的心算。學童每天都有數學課,從 45 到 60 分鐘不等, 低年級短,高年級長。
教育部和 BBC 合作 Digger and the Gang 網站給小學,內容配合 National Curriculum。
書名 Learning to Teach Number: A Handbook for Students & Teachers in the Primary School 作者 by Len Forbisher (Paperback - July 1999), 304 pages. Stanley Thornes 公司出版的 Teaching Primary Maths 系列叢書之一。
書名 Designing a Standards-Based Math Curriculum: Content Standards for Elementary and Middle Grades 作者 by Pearl G. Solomon (Author) (Paperback - January 2001) This new workbook covers traditional math content and introduces some newly important pedagogical concepts. It's designed as a resource for teachers as they plan curriculum for a particular school, grade level, or lesson, and as they assess their students? knowledge both formally and informally.
書名 Teaching Primary Mathematics: Strategy and Evaluation 作者 by National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education 這本書看起來好像是美國教師培訓的教科書之一。
書名 Teaching Mathematics: A Handbook for Primary and Secondary School Teachers 作者 by Pamela Cowan, Routledge, 2004. ISBN: 0415335175 This work presents a comprehensive guide to the background, theory, and practice of teaching mathematics.
書名 Teaching Primary Mathematics: A Guide for Newly Qualified and Student Teachers 作者 by Mike Askew, Michelle Selinger, Hodder & Stoughton Educational Division 1998, 176 pages. ISBN: 0340631619 給英國的小學新進教師看的。 This text seeks to help newly-qualified teachers and those in initial teacher training to get to grips with National Curriculum mathematics at Key Stages 1 and 2.
書名 Math Makes Sense: Teaching and Learning in Context 作者 by Rachel Griffiths, Margaret Clyne Heinemann; 有一個同名的網站 http://www.mathmakessense.com/, Math Makes Sense! defines comprehensive math instruction. Each lesson provides:
- Concrete/visual presentations of problems and concepts
- Conceptual practice to build number sense
- Strategy instruction for problems solving
- Facts and procedures are linked to number sense
書名 Hm Math Study Skills Program/Teachers Edition 作者 by Catherine D. Tobin, National Association of Secondary School Principals; Rowman and Littlefield Pub. 看起來是 Hm Math Study Skills Program/Student Text 的教師手冊。 而 Student Text 只有 95 頁,應該不是教科書而是教導學習的策略。 他們還有一本親職手冊:The Parent's Guide to Learning and Study Skills。 這個計畫:Hm Learning & Study Skills Program for Grades 1--12 的目標是 Teaching students how to learn, how to process, and how to apply new information,網址在 http://www.scarecroweducation.com/hmlearning
書名 Mathematics with Reason: The Emergent Approach to Primary Maths 作者 by Sue Atkinson (Author) (Paperback - April 1992) Why do children find math so difficult? Why does it cause such panic? Why do some primary teachers lack confidence when teaching math?
書名 Access to Math: Percents - Teacher's Resource Manual 作者 by Globe Fearon (Paperback - January 1999) Globe Fearon 出版的 Access to Math 系列叢書之一, 其他還有 Probability, Statistics, Formulas, Ratios, Problem Solving 這些主題的專書。
書名 Sharing Maths Cultures: IMPACT (Inventing Maths for Parents and Children and Teachers) 作者 by Ruth Merttens, Jeff Vass (Hardcover - December 1990) 介紹一個名叫 IMPACT 的教育方案。 Describes the IMPACT project, a project that involves parents in the primary school curriculum and includes curriculum materials designed to be valid across different cultures. This book describes and promotes educational settings in which the child is not the object of teaching, but rather, is the initiator and tutor.
書名 Teaching Elementary School Math 作者 by Schwieger (Ohio State), Wadsworth Publishing 1999. ISBN: 0827381646 An emphasis is placed on problem solving as a method of teaching mathematics. Using a whole learning experience method, this unique text addresses mathematics problem solving for elementary and middle school classes. The text presents the study of methods as a series of problems with emphasis placed on the use of manipulatives, modeling and application. Special attention and emphasis is given to upper middle school topics and integrates preparation for these in lower grade material and methods.
書名 Teaching With Student Math Notes 作者 by Carol Findell (Editor) (Paperback - December 2000) 這是由美國 NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) 出版的手冊,看來是要教導經由指導學生寫學習日誌來教數學的方法。 而且看來共有一套三冊,可以在 NCTM 網站找到。 The NCTM Student Math Notes are designed to be problem-solving and enrichment experiences, as well as a source of material for teacher training an in-service workshops. This extension of the publication includes teacher notes, detailed solutions, suggested extensions, and additional worksheets.
書名 Math Reasoning for Elementary Teachers 作者 by Long DeTemple, Addison-Wesley, 1998. ISBN: 0201304724 The content and processes of mathematics are presented in an appealing and logical matter with three principal goals in mind: to develop positive attitudes towards mathematics and mathematics teaching, to develop mathematical knowledge and skills, and to develop students as competent mathematics teaching professionals.
書名 Math: A Rich Heritage: Teacher's Resource Manual 作者 by Kirsten Richert (Editor) (Paperback - January 1999) 蠻特別的,專門為幫助美國黑人 (非裔) 學生寫的書。 This supplementary book for students in grades 6 to 10 explores the African roots of modern mathematics, then highlights the contributions and careers of African Americans whose math backgrounds helped them succeed. It goes on to develop the link between studying mathematics in high school and the opportunity to go to college or to pursue a math related career. This full color book is illustrated with photographs of ancient African artworks and of contemporary people engaged in mathematics, along with maps showing early African civilizations and African countries today. Margin notes highlight concepts from the text, including how ancient Egyptians measured with the cubit unit and why people go on to study for advanced college degrees. Accompanying the text is a related teacher's resource manual with suggestions for introductory activities, discussion/comprehension questions, and wrap up activities for each biography. The manual contains a reproducible worksheet for each section of MATH: A RICH HERITAGE, answers to all questions, and a resource list of print materials, professional organizations, and Internet sites.
書名 Insights & Outcomes: Assessments for Great Explorations in Math and Science 作者 by Jacqueline Barber, et al (Spiral-bound - March 1996) GEMS 建議給數學教師的評量策略。 This GEMS handbook offers coherent, accessible strategies for use with the entire GEMS series--and for the assessment of activity-based science and math in general. While assessment methods and their uses can be controversial, the need to gauge student learning and improve teaching is evident and of growing concern nationwide. This book is designed to help teachers and educators assess student learning progress in activity-based science and mathematics, as well as evaluate the effectiveness of their own curricula and teaching methods. Thirteen strategies, using 17 detailed case studies, are described as they directly relate to a wide variety of assessment activities in GEMS. GEMS (Great Explorations in Math and Science) 是美國加州大學柏克萊分校 Lawrence Hall of Science (科學教育中心) 發展的一個計畫。它的宗旨是
Setting Standards for Excellence in Education而它的任務自我陳述是GEMS is a growing resource for the advancement of inquiry-based science and mathematics education. GEMS has published over 70 teacher's guides and handbooks, offers specialized workshops, and maintains a national network of teacher-training sites and centers.首頁在 http://www.lhsgems.org/gems.html
書名 Cognitive Connections: Multiple Ways of Thinking With Math 作者 by, Robert Myers. ISBN: 1-56976-035-7 Grade level: 4--8. Use effective strategies for teaching thinking skills by engaging your students in activities that focus on math concepts. Involve multiple intelligences by providing a wide range of activities—drawing, acting, singing, dancing, constructing, writing, and interacting with others.
書名 Cooperative Learning in Math 作者 by Bob Bernstein Cooperative learning involves a great deal more than placing your students into groups. Cooperative learning is part of classroom management. To use it, you need to train your students to work effectively in groups. The results are a very productive learning environment that can be a lot of fun for everyone.
書名 Learning Math With Calculators: Activities for Grades 3-8 作者 by Len Sparrow, Paul Swan (Paperback - September 2001) 如何讓計算器與數學課相輔相成? 一位加州書評人這樣寫: Asking a Californian to review Learning Math with Calculators is delightfully ironic. In my state, instruction is governed by a curriculum document that declares "Over the years evidence has accumulated showing the ill effects of calculator use in the schools" (Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools, 2000, p. 223). However, this concise and intelligently written book is a welcome response to California's assertion.
書名 It All Adds Up! Engaging 8-To-12-Year-Olds in Math Investigations 作者 by Penny Skinner (Paperback - August 1999) This book, for teachers of grade 3 to 6, describes teaching strategies and lessons to help students become more proficient in computation. The first two units in the book discuss posing and solving problems and how to do an investigation from beginning to final write up and presentation. The other four units are centered around addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The lessons consist of investigations that provide a context for learning and the purposeful application of skills. Several examples of children posing and solving problems and investigating mathematical topics are included throughout the book. The unit on addition starts with a discussion between the students and teacher about the concept of strategy. The teacher then has the students look for patterns formed by repeatedly adding nine. By the end of the unit the children are investigating patterns found in Pascal's Triangle.
書名 Math, Manipulatives & Magic Wands: Manipulatives, Literature Ideas, and Hands-On Math Activities for the K-5 Classroom 作者 by Karen Simmons, Cindy Guinn (Illustrator) (Paperback) 一位美國 Florida 州 Nova Southeastern University 的教師培育教授推薦: One of the most truly useful books to come along in a long time. This book needs to be in the hands of every elementary teacher. The ideas are useful, practical and easy to implement. Once more, all of the suggestions that I have used in both my elementary class and my masters college classes have been met with success. They show ways to bring the joy back into learning in this test concious atmosphere. I recommend this book to all of my college students as a source they must have. It is always wonderful to see a book by real teachers for teachers. My thanks to them for sharing some of their "tricks of the trade" that make them such successful teachers.
書名 Mastering Essential Math Skills (for grades 5-8) 作者 by Richard W. Fisher (Paperback) A proven system of teaching essential math skills in the areas of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, geometry, integers, percents, charts and graphs, and problem solving.
書名 Mastering Essential Math Skills (for grades 3-4) 作者 by Richard W. Fisher (Paperback) Award-winning sixth-grade math teacher and author, Richard W. Fisher, shares his proven system of teaching that motivates students to learn and produces dramatic results. [回目錄]
Created: April 8, 2003
Last Revised: 2004/03/23, 2004/05/30